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The TARDIS lands on a space cargo freighter in 2540 when tension between Earth and Draconia, the two major powers in the Milky Way, is threatening to spill into war. Each side is being blamed for attacks on the other’s vessels, but in reality they are being staged by the Ogrons using a hypnotism device to make them look like humans or Draconians. Victims of such a raid in which the TARDIS is stolen, the Doctor and Jo are forced to return to Earth where they are accused of being spies and imprisoned. The Ogrons are, in fact, working for the Master who is attempting to start a war between Earth and Draconia on behalf of his employers, the Daleks. This was the last time Roger Delgado appeared as the Master before his tragic death in a car crash in Turkey, and an emergency reshoot of the end of the last episode meant that his swansong was rather confused ending.