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At the 2005 restart of the series, previous showrunner Russell T. Davies wrote out the Doctor???s mostly pompous and boring people, the Time Lords, by having the Doctor destroy both them and their archenemies the Daleks to bring an end to the Last Great Time War. While most people assumed that it was the Eighth Doctor who had fought in the Time War, and then regenerated soon after into the Ninth (c.f., Christopher Eccleston checking himself out in a mirror in his first episode and exclaiming, ???Look at the ears!???), current executive producer and head writer Steven Moffat inserted a character of his own invention into that blank space, Hurt???s ???War Doctor.??? It turns out that Hurt???s guy was the one who used a weapon called The Moment (first referenced in ???The End of Time,??? the final episode for both Tennant and for Davies as showrunner) to destroy both sides in the Time War.