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arthritis sulfasalazine Google and Motorola are a perfect marriage ??? Motorola needed some money and a new direction and fresh guidance and Google needed an outlet to spread Android throughout the world, because the more Android that???s out there, the more money Google can make via advertising.?? With Google???s influence, Motorola is going in a different direction with a different mindset ??? don???t use the best display, just a good display ??? don???t use the best processor, just a good one ??? don???t crowd it with a bunch of memory, just enough to make it work ??? don???t burden it with a bunch of gimmicky software, just give it practical, useful, software ??? don???t crowd it with a heavy skin, leave it run pure Android and optimize everything.?? The result is a smooth, fast, and, most of all, a useful device that is a phone for the masses, and that is exactly what Google is looking to build.